works > danceworks > blowup


2008. Interactive performance and installation artwork by visual artist Simon Biggs and choreographer Sue Hawksley.

Software development by Josh Nimoy
Opening performance at CCA: Cat Casbon and Sue Hawksley.
Opening performance at Bonhoga Gallery: Freya Jeffs and Sue Hawksley.

R & D supported by a New Media Scotland Alt-w award and a choreographic residency at Dance Base, Edinburgh.

Performance at Shetland Arts, Bonhoga Gallery. Dancers: Sue Hawksley & Freya Jeffs. Photo credit: Keith Morrison.

Performance at Alt-W, CCA Glasgow. Photo credit: Mark Daniels. Dancers: Sue Hawksley & Cat Casbon.

Blowup is an interactive installation environment for public interaction and choreographed performance. The movement of performers/viewers is acquired and articulated in real time employing software custom written by Simon Biggs with Josh Nimoy. The tracked movement data is used to manipulate, fragment, distort and composite the live video material, which is projected co-located with the performers/viewers, in accordance with aspects of their movement. Stillness causes the images to blow up.
Blowup's title references Antonioni's film of the same name, and the work also draws on the final scene of another of his films, Zabriskie Point.

Exhibited at Alt-w: New Directions in Scottish Digital Culture - CCA Glasgow, 2008.
Restaged and exhibited as a double-sreen projection - Bonhoga Gallery, Shetland. Arts, 2011.


> performance at CCA Glasgow, 2008


Ravetto-Biagioli, K. (2019) Digital Uncanny. Oxford University Press: New York, NY.
- a book by Kriss Ravetto-Biagioli in which she discusses Blowup.

© Sue Hawksley